This Day In History: July 25

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On July 25, 1961, in a televised address to the American people about the Berlin Crisis, President John F. Kennedy speaks soberly about the . He announces that he has instructed Congress to identify spaces that could be used as bomb shelters, and to stock them with "minimal essentials for survival" to protect as many citizens from atomic fallout as possible in the event of a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union. Kennedy assured the public that the U.S. civil defense program would soon begin providing such protection for every American.

Only one year later, true to Kennedy’s fears, the world hovered on the brink of full-scale nuclear war when the Cuban Missile Crisis erupted over the USSR’s placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba. During the tense 13-day crisis, some Americans prepared for nuclear war by buying up canned goods and completing last-minute work on their own backyard bomb shelters.